Pet Peeves

Everyone has a pet peeve. There are always going to be things that people do that just don’t sit right with someone else. Well, I have a plethora of pet peeves. I spend a lot of my day looking around at other people thinking, “How can you live your life that way?” So, here’s a brief list of some things I hate about people.

For starters, first impressions mean a lot in human interaction. The way that some people dress drives me absolutely crazy. I’ll walk around in public and look at people and think about what they were thinking when they got dressed. Seriously, did you get dressed in a costume store with the lights off? Every morning people wake up, get ready, take a look in the mirror and have to decide, “Is this what I want to look like today?” I imagine their morning process and cannot fathom how the answer to that question was yes. I don’t know what type of person they wanted to portray themselves as to others, but it certainly isn’t what I would have gone for.

Communication is also a very important part of human interaction, since it’s how we get ideas across to one another. This is simply going up to another human being and having a conversation, but some people seem to have lost this ability. I don’t know how awkwardness came about in the human gene pool, but some people are just downright awkward. You can walk over with a big smile and give a friendly greeting, but you’ll only receive a stare like a deer caught in headlights. Who taught you to do that? Your parents? Your elementary school? Just say hello back and talk about something relevant! At what point did someone start teaching, “When someone greets you in a social situation, look at them like your’e lost and don’t say anything.” Coming from someone who enjoys a good conversation, this is quite irritating.

Then there’s all the small things that just rub me the wrong way. Loud sneezing, dragging your feet, monotone speaking, lack of hygiene, slow driving, simple grammar mistakes, and the list goes on and on. For some reason I was born a critic, so picking out things that I don’t like about someone comes far easier than it should. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a people person. I love being with other people and spending time in social situations, but there’s constantly a little voice in my head that looks around and says, “Seriously?” when people push my repertoire of little ‘how to annoy Scott’ buttons. A lot of the time, I just feel like this:


Pet Peeves

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